Sunday, September 25, 2011

Don't think twice, it's alright!

I've been here a week and it's been a complete time warp! Without a set schedule it's very easy to lose track of time and days and they end up just blurring into one. Apart from eating delicious food, shopping, and getting lost, I haven't accomplished much yet. Like anyone who has travelled long distances, I have been struggling with jet lag quite a bit this past week - but, I have had a break through! Last night I stayed up until midnight and right now it's records for me! woohoo!
This week I will be starting my yoga practice and workouts---lord knows all this indulgent food will be catching up with me :) This coming weekend I will be going for a short trip to Canberra, which is Australia's capitol, to accompany my aunt who just won a recipe competition and we're being flown down - with all accomodations included. Sweet deal! I'm okay with riding the coat-tails of someone else's achievement! Sorry I don't have more juicy stuff to spill. And by the way, this goes out to all the ladies: For those of you with the fantasy of steamy, attractive Aussie men - well, sorry to say that I haven't seen one that fits any of our fantasies. Until next time!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hello from down unda!!!

Well, I'm finally here!
It only took about 20 hours but the plane ride was much more tolerable than I thought it would be. The great thing about international flights is that they have TV and food! I've been here only for about five days and it's been great! I'm still getting used to the driving on the opposite side of the road - among many other things, but it's great. Australia is making it's way into summer so they weather has been great! Most days are sunny and warm...a nice switch from gloomy and cool :) I have been extremely tired since I got here - I am literally falling asleep at I can't even keep my eyes open! I'm quite the party animal eh?
I haven't seen a kangaroo yet but I have witnessed the madness of a rugby game...American Football has got nothing on it! Be back soon!